5th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change


Tuesday, June 9




6:00 PM


Conference Registration




8:00 PM


Welcome Reception/Dinner




Wednesday, June 10




7:30 AM



8:20 AM


Welcome & Opening Remarks

Session I




Chair: Pier Luigi Vidale

8:30 AM


Using the geologic record to determine long-term trends in hurricane landfalls along the west Florida coastline

Joanne Muller, Christian Ercolani, Jennifer Collins and Charlie Paxton

9:00 AM


Geologic Records of Holocene Typhoon Strikes on the Gulf of Thailand Coast.

Harry Williams, Montri Choowong, Sumet Phantuwongraj, Peerasit Surakietchai, Thanakrit Thongkhao and Eric Simon

9:30 AM


Speleothem paleotempestology and hurricane-climate-human interactions:  An update from the paleoclimate underground

Amy Frappier

10:00 AM


Coastal Georgia’s Hurricanes: 1750-2010

Mark Welford and Brian Bossak

10:30 AM


North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Response to Past Radiative Forcing Revealed by Shipwreck Rates

Valerie Trouet, Grant Harley and Marta Dominguez




11:00 AM


Coffee Break & Poster Viewing




Session II



Model studies

Chair: Greg Holland

12:00 PM


Extended range forecast of typhoon genesis and boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation using a nonhydrostatic global atmospheric model (NICAM).

Masuo Nakano, Tomoe Nasuno, Kazuyoshi Kikuchi and Masaki Satoh

12:30 PM


Characteristics of intensity changes of tropical cyclones in the Northwestern Pacific in track data and simulations by global and regional atmosphere models

Sachie Kanada

1:00 PM


Quantifying the Effects of Long-term Climate Change on Typhoon Rainfall near Taiwan using a Cloud-Resolving Model

Chung-Chieh Wang, Lishan Tseng, Chien-Chang Huang and Bo-Xun Lin

1:30 PM


The U.S. CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group

Kevin Walsh, Suzana Camargo and Gabriel Vecchi




2:00 PM


Lunch/Informal Discussions

7:30 PM


Dinner/Informal Discussions at a local Greek Restaurant

Thursday, June 11




7:30 AM






Session III


Large-scale environmental influences

Chair: Chung-Chieh Wang

8:30 AM


How has the expansion of the tropics affected tropical cyclogenesis?

Anne Sophie Daloz, J.P. Kossin, D. Vimont and K.E. Emanuel

9:00 AM


Dynamical evidence for causality between galactic cosmic rays and interannual variation in global temperature

Anastasios  Tsonis, Ethan Deyle, Robert May, George Sugihara, Kyle Swanson and Geli Wang

9:30 AM


Variability in tropical cyclone heat potential over the SW Indian Ocean and implications for regional rainfall and tropical cyclone intensity and track

Chris Reason, Neil  Malan, Daneeja Mawren and Ben Loveday

10:00 AM


Global seasonal forecasts of tropical cyclone activity using the Met Office seasonal prediction system GloSea5

Joanne Camp

10:30 AM


Interannual to decadal variability of Tropical Cyclones in a hierarchy of global climate models with increasing resolution in the atmosphere and ocean.

Pier Luigi Vidale, Malcolm Roberts, Alison Cobb and Kevin Hodges




11:00 AM


Coffee Break & Poster Viewing




Session IV


Wind and surge

Chair: Alexey Fedorov

11:45 AM


A physical model for the complete radial structure of the tropical cyclone wind field

Daniel Chavas, Ning Lin and Kerry Emanuel

12:15 PM


Assessment and Application of a Parametric Hurricane Surface Wind Model for Tropical Cyclones in the Gulf of Mexico

Qin Chen and Kelin Hu

12:45 PM


Impact of Future Tropical Cyclones on Storm Surges around the Korean Peninsula

Jihee Oh, Sooyoul Kim, Kyung-Duck Suh, Tomohiro Yasuda and Hajime Mase

1:15 PM


Identifying Spatial Evolution of Convective Rainbands in Landfall Hurricanes Using High-Resolution Doppler Radar Mosaic

Jingyin Tang and Corene Matyas

1:45 PM


Quantifying Uncertainty and Uncertain Probabilities in Hurricane Induced Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning Under a Changing Climate

Sai Ravela, Clea Denamiel, Henry Jacoby and Jen Holak

2:15 PM


Lunch/Informal Discussions




7:30 PM


Dinner/Informal Discussions at a local Greek Restaurant



Friday, June 12




7:30 AM






Session V




Chair: Mark Guishard

9:00 AM


Tropical cyclogenesis: effects of model resolution and hypohydrostatic rescaling

Alexey Fedorov, William Boos and Les Muir

9:30 AM


Global and regional variability of tropical cyclone-induced ocean warming

Isaac Ginis and Michael  Bueti

10:00 AM


On the Near-time SST and TC Intensity at eastern North Pacific basin

Jerry Jien, William  Gough and Ken Butler

10:30 AM


The Tropical Cyclone Diurnal Cycle- The Great Hurricane Exhale

Jason Dunion

11:00 AM 24 Tropical Cyclone Integrated Kinetic Energy in the Atlantic Basin
Mark Powell and Michael Kozar




11:30 AM


Coffee Break & Poster Viewing




Session VI


Modeling studies

Chair: Mark Powell

12:00 PM


The Effects of Sea Spray on Deep Mixed-Phase Convective Clouds and Intensity of Hurricanes

Alexander Khain

12:30 PM


Do tropical cyclone cold wakes impact storm climatology in a high-resolution global model?

Colin Zarzycki

1:00 PM


Modeled sensitivity of the northwestern Pacific upper-ocean response to tropical cyclones in a fully-coupled climate model with varying ocean grid resolution

Hui Li, Ryan Sriver and Marlos Goes

1:30 PM


The Ensemble Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Track Based on Targeted Systems Perturbation Method

Xiaogang Huang, Jianfang Fei and Xiaoping Cheng




2:00 PM


Lunch/Informal Discussions




3:00 PM


City Tour (depart from the hotel lobby at 3:00PM)




7:30 PM


Dinner/Informal Discussions at a local Greek Restaurant




Saturday, June 13




7:30 AM






Session VII


Future scenarios

Chair: Amy Frappier

9:00 AM


TC or not TC? How should TCs be identified in modern reanalyses and climate models?

Alison  Cobb, Pier-Luigi Vidale and Kevin Hodges

9:30 AM


Tropical Cyclone rainfall changes in a warmer climate

Enrico Scoccimarro, Gabriele Villarini, Silvio Gualdi, Antonio  Navarra, Gabriel Vecchi, Kevin Walsh and Ming Zhao

10:00 AM


Evaluating Extreme Events in a High-Resolution Regional Climate Ensemble

Cindy Bruyère, Mari Themaritye, David Keelings, Abigail Jaye and Mukul Tewari

10:30 AM


Inconsistencies in future changes in tropical cyclone statistics between CMIP5-class models and state of the art high resolution atmospheric models

Michael Wehner, Kevin Reed, Mr Prabhat, Hari Krishnan, Daithi  Stone and William Collins

11:00 AM


Investigation of Climate Forcing Agents on Tropical Belt Width Through the 21st Century. 

Osinachi Ajoku




11:30 AM


Coffee Break & Poster Viewing




Session VIII


Future Scenario, con't. and Risk Assessment

Chair: Harry Williams

12:00 PM


The Engineering for Climate Extremes Partnership (ECEP)

Greg Holland, Mari Tye, James Done, Cindy Bruyere and Heather Lazrus

12:30 PM


Forecast Skill Assesment of Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Wind Damage Potential over a 5-year Horizon

Louis-Philippe Caron, Leon Hermanson and Francisco Doblas-Reyes

1:00 PM


Case studies of site specific storm tide and wave induced damage to coastal structures and dunes during Hurricane Sandy and the need for more high temporal resolution instrumentation to quantify the effect of waves on structural damage.

Anthony Johnson

1:30 PM


On Tropical and Subtropical Climate Variations

Arthur Miller




2:00 PM


Closing Remarks




2:15 PM


Lunch/Informal Discussions




8:00 PM


Farewell Dinner




Sunday, June 14




7:30 AM






9:00 AM






Precipitation Properties Observed during Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change            
George Alvey, Zipser Ed and Jon Zawislak


Hurricanes - structural and microclimate alterations of forest canopies and their contribution to the distribution of mechanically dependent plants along a gradient of past impact
Sven Batke and Daniel Kelly


Forecasting Catastrophe Losses in Changing Climate – a Market-Based Forward-Looking Approach
Carolyn Chang and Jack S.K. Chang


Water budget in Atlantic Tropical Cyclones and rainfall sensitivity to global warming 
Chauvin Fabrice


A Comparison of Two Allocation Schemes in a Land Surface Model
Qiudan Dai and Ying-ping Wang


Decadal variability of North African mineral dust and its semi-direct effect on tropical Atlantic stratocumulus clouds during boreal summer in CESM
Ian Goodwin, Daniel Cayan, Arthur Miller, Steven Ghan, David Pierce, Lynn Russell, Balwinder Singh and Michael DeFlorio


On predicting future economic losses from tropical cyclones: Comparing damage functions for the Eastern United States
Tobias Geiger, Katja Frieler and Anders Levermann


Trends in Normalized US hurricane damages
Aslak Grinsted


Saharan Air Layer Dust Loading & Convective Strength of Tropical Cloud Clusters
Randall Hergert, Jennifer Collins, Jason Dunion and Charlie Paxton


Characteristics of Binary Tropical Cyclones Observed in the Western North Pacific for 62 Years (1951-2012)
Wook Jang and Hye-Yeong Chun


Evaluation of a Regional Climate Ensemble using Self-Organizing Maps
Abigail Jaye, Cindy Bruyère and Mark Seefeldt


Diagnosis of hurricanes based on statistical properties of vorticity  Alexander Kislov


Climate Change: Rainfall extremes and NPK-fertilization effects on maize (Zea mays L.) yield
Márton László


Four Hurricane/Typhoon Disasters in US and China: A Evidence for Validity of Probability Prediction by Compound Extreme Value Distribution
Defu Liu, Guilin Liu and Fengqing Wang


On predicting future economic losses from tropical cyclones: Comparing damage functions for the Eastern United States
Tobias Geiger, Katja Frieler and Anders Levermann


The Warm Core of a Tropical Cyclone Formed near the Tropopause
Tomoki Ohno and Masaki Satoh


Dynamical link between tropical Indian Ocean and Cyclones
Sreenivas Pentakota, Gnanaseelan Chellappan, Chowdary JS and Prasad KVSR


Diagnostic Analysis on the Vertical Speed of Tornadoes
weizheng qu


Current and future tropical cyclone activity in high-resolution global model ensemble simulations
Kevin Reed, Julio Julio Bacmeister and Michael Wehner


Streamflow and precipitation alteration across the Niger river basin in West Africa: Feedback of environmental degradation
Dagbegnon Sohoulande Djebou


Impact of Aquarius Sea Surface salinity assimilation in improving the ocean state
Seelanki Vivek


Statistical Seasonal Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Tracks and Landfall  in the North Indian Ocean Region
Md Wahiduzzaman, Simon Wotherspoon, Eric Oliver and Neil Holbrook


TBO and Tropical Cyclone Activities
Jia Wang


The characteristics of the intensity and meridional position of the East Asian jet stream in winter
Hui Yang


Reconstructions of extreme floods from Taihu Lake sediment records and archeological evidence, China and linkages with historical PDO changes
Ge Yu


Understanding dynamics of tropical cyclones with the moist-convective rotating shallow water model
Vladimir Zeitlin and Noe Lahaye


Southwest Florida Paleotempestology Records
Jennifer Collins, Joanne Muller and Charles Paxton


Effects of the Water Substance Allocation on the Rainfall of Landing Tropical Cyclone
Hancheng Lu


High Resolution WRF Simulations of Hurricane Irene: Sensitivity to Aerosols and Choice of Microphysical schemes
Alexander Khain, Barry Lynn and Jacob Shpund


Influence of ENSO on Tropical Cyclones in North Atlantic in a high-resolution climate model
Marjahn Finlayson


Assessing the impact of additional observation points on tropical cyclone risk estimates
Kelsey Ellis, Jill Trepanier and Linda Sylvester


Change of Environmental Controlling Parameters for Tropical Cyclone Genesis under Global Warming
Tim Li and Hiroyuki  Murakami


Medium-Range Cloud-Resolving Typhoon Rainfall Ensemble Forecasts for Taiwan through Time-Lagged Approach
Shin-Hau Chen, Chung-Chieh Wang and Chih-Sheng Chang


Paleo-storm surge deposits detection at the west coast of South Korea based on multi-proxy data
Sangheon  Yi and Tae-Soo Chang